Good, Good Father
good |gʊd| adjective 1 to be desired or approved of: He was a good Father.
Wishing the happiest Father’s Day to all of the dads out there! We honor you today for the incredible impact you are making in the lives of your kids!
My father-in-love, Harry Harrison, is an incredible dad to my best friend and a great grandfather to our kids. He’s also the best-selling author of several parenting books (a great gift idea if you need one!). But Harry once said something about fathers that always stuck with me. He said, "I encourage dads to be the God figure in their households. Every child's perception of God is their father. Is he mean and drunk, or generous and kind? Your character is the foundation of what God will look like to your child."
I’m so grateful for good fathers and parents. I am so thankful that I have a husband who leads our home with integrity, love, and faithfulness. When Field gets home from work, he doesn't check his phone or disconnect from our family. He sits down, right on the floor with our kids and gives us all of his devotion and attention, even after I know he has had a long day.
And that’s exactly who God is to us. God is a good father. He is loving and kind, gentle, and attentive. He is always ready to listen to us and cares about what we have to say. God created you. He loves you. And He wants to take care of your needs.
“Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?” Matthew 6:26
If you are struggling this Father's Day from an unmet desire in your heart or from the lack of a good, fatherly role model in your own life–I want to pray with you today. The good news is that we all have the best example of a good, good father in our Heavenly Father. He is good to us, always. Faithful in all things. He is patient and kind. Merciful and gracious. He is quick to forgive and slow to get angry. Put your trust and hope in Him today, and allow Him to heal the broken places in your heart. He is truly a good, good Father!
"Father to the fatherless, defender of widows–this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy!" Psalm 68:5-6
Happy Father's Day!